Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Change of Scenery

The city scenes that flash by the windows of the bus each day can get incredibly monotonous (that is, if you are staring out the window rather than sleeping). For some reason, from the start of this semester, I would tend to sit on the same side of the bus for my ride home each day. It was habit I guess, as there were plenty of empty seats and nothing particularly intriguing about this side of the bus. After a few weeks of this, however, I decided to break the cycle and sit on the other side. It proved to be a very interesting experience--suddenly the city scenes seemed new. A building I remembered being under construction last semester was now complete, the SPACE gallery was displaying a new show (which you can sometimes catch a glimpse of in passing, as the facade is completely transparent glass)...all in all, this switch of a seat really broke up that tedium and repetition of watching the same buildings go by each day.

I decided to remain on this side of the bus for another week or two and then, I switched back. This switch proved successful in breathing new life into the boring landscape I had become so familiar with at the beginning of the semester. A new shop had opened, and new and interesting graffiti decorated blank walls on the approach to Oakland.

I think this new found ability to rejuvinate the mundane and gain new perspective should be applied to all aspects of life, because by changing small parts of our routines, we can certainly gain new perspective, understanding, and enjoyment in the world around us.

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