Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tunnel Traffic

Anyone who has ever driven into the city via the Parkway East has experienced the Squirrel Hill Tunnels. Anyone who's made this commute during rush hour knows how painfully irritating this part can be. Something happens in people's brains as they approach the tunnels. They ignore the posted signs declaring: Maintain Speed Through Tunnels. Instead, they must be doing some kind of calculations in their head, doubting that their Honda will fit through the gaping maw of this structure. Red brake-lights ignite and traffic does everything but maintain speed through tunnels. What once seemed to be flowing easily slows to a halt as drivers throw logic out the window and creep into the tunnel at a snail's pace.

Eventually you roll through the tunnel and pop out on the other-side, startled by the sunlight and returning radio reception. And wonder of all wonders--traffic is coasting along without a jam in sight. All the nervous nellies who had to brake at the entrance actually fit inside, and through and whiz out the other side in one piece. I suspect they will forget this momentous result the following day as they ease up to the tunnel with if a monster were lurking inside.

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