Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lost Time

One of the plights of being a commuter that I hate most of all is the loss of time. I wake up at 6:50am on Tuesdays and Thursdays when my first class doesn't start until 9:40am. Do I do this by choice? Of course not. I have to get up at this time so that I can catch the only bus that will get me Downtown before my class starts. I get on this bus at 7:30am and it arrives in Pittsburgh about an hour later. I then spend the next hour sleeping on the glorious couches on the 4th floor of Lawrence Hall. The next bus doesn't arrive until 8:56am, and would get me to class about twenty minutes late.

I get out of my Tuesday/Thursday classes by 12:50pm. This makes me fifteen minutes late for the 12:35pm bus, so now I'm lingering around campus until 2:35pm and get home at about a quarter 'til 4. The fact that I don't get home until about 3 hours after my last class has ended makes me nuts.

Not only am I losing time in transit, but in waiting for transit. I'm a slave to the bus schedules and it's not fun.


  1. I completely agree! Last night, I wanted to get to the Strip from Regent Square and what would only take ten minutes in a car took two hours by bus... The joys of public transit.

  2. Definitely. It's not just the time waiting for the bus to come, but you just don't realize how each stop slows down the actual commute until you attempt to take what you think is a short trip and don't arrive at your destination 'til an hour later.
