Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This post may make me sound like a bad person, but I think it needs to be said. I can't stand clingers on the bus--by "clinger" I mean someone who starts making small talk and then all the sudden wants to be your bus buddy, sitting with you on a regular basis and talking your ear off on the ride.

Recently someone sat with me on the way to school because the bus was pretty full, and that's fine. This person then goes on to ask me where I go to school, what my major is, what I plan to do with that major, how long have I been going to school, haven't they seen me on an earlier bus, blah blah blah. As anyone reads this blog knows, I use my bus trips to get in some much needed sleep, also--I'm not a naturally chatty person...so basically this whole situation was just an annoying morning. An annoying morning that continued as this clinger got off at the same bus stop as me and walked with me to my destination.

This clinger also sat with me a few days later when the bus was so empty there was no need for more than one person in a seat. Once again I was talked AT loudly by the clinger when I would have rather been sleeping.

Am I being rude for being annoyed by someone being "friendly" or is the clinger being rude by encroaching on my personal space?

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